The name “Reiki” means “universal life energy”. We experience this energy as love. Becoming a Reiki practitioner will open you up to experiencing and carrying more of that love. It will help you to heal and balance your own inner nature so that you can open up to more levels of your own Divine Presence. You’ll also learn to transfer the energy to others to help them heal and balance. This is an energetic boost that we recommend for everyone on the spiritual path. Our Sacred Heart Reiki has an additional attunement that helps you connect with the Christ energy.
Learn how to practice Reiki healing on yourself and on others. And learn to discern when the Reiki energy is activated (when the person needs it in some way).
You will receive four attunements to begin connecting you to the Universal Life Energy, or Source, so that you can bring this through for yourself and for others. We have added a fifth attunement to help open your heart.
Cost: $150 (discounts available for students & seniors)
In this powerful session, you will learn how to increase the strength of your Reiki healing energy.
It will enable you to work specifically in the mental/emotional area of yourself and others.
You’ll also learn how to send Reiki healing at a distance. You'll have the experience of sending Reiki to both people and situations.
Cost: $500 (discounts available for students & seniors)
This is a custom-designed program for those dedicated to becoming a Reiki Master. Prerequisites are First Degree and Second Degree Sacred Heart Healing.
Please contact Gerry for more detail at
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