The Children's Cloth of Many Colors was initiated by an eight year old girl when our organization dedicated a peace pole for the Pentagon. Based on a concept initiated by "Peace Troubadour" Jimmy Twyman, the project is comprised of yard-square sections made by groups of children. With its initial focus on peace, the project has grown to include sections from thousands of children in 32 countries. It has made a significant difference in the lives of many people, and has even been said to create "miracles" by major media sources.
We've personally seen enough to believe that this project has divine help!
We've also had participation from many community leaders, three secretaries of state, one king, a governor, numerous ambassadors, etc. It's even gone to Afghanistan as the children explored the relationship between" peace" and how we treat Nature. You can learn more about that thanks to this video on Voice of America.
We find that the innocence and the love of the children is catching. Everyone who becomes involved begins to feel like a child again -- full of hope, wonder and creativity.
Based on our experience, we believe that this project will indeed continue to create those unexpected "miracles" in people's lives and truly make a difference.
We're intending to gather sections from children in all of the world's countries, and to gather letters of encouragement to the children from country leaders. In fact, our two of our sections were presented at Bonn COP23 Climate Change Conference, to the Prime Minister of Fiji, who was the president of the conference.
Check out this video on Bonnie Brae Elementary School!
And here's another short video of the "miracle on Capitol Hill"
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