Gerry has been a mystic since childhood, a spiritual coach for over 35 years, and a teaching Reiki Master for almost that long. Her perspective is that we are here in this lifetime to experience love, and to express that love that we are with others. To do this, we need to understand and accept the role that we’re here to play, heal the traumas, hurts and resistances that keep us from best doing this, and open up into the best expression of the Love that we are.
All of her work with people is to help them with this. She is available in many ways to others – with individual work, in groups, workshops and retreats. In these special times, Gerry is especially interested in helping women to open into, accept and use their own power.
She’s created the Communities of Peace 501(c)(3) as a means to help demonstrate what’s possible when people live into this ideal. Gerry has also interacted with the United Nations, the US Congress, a number of embassies, been a member of the US team to write the Earth Charter, taught meditation/placed a peace pole at the Pentagon, and was a catalyst for United States and United Nations resolutions for Global Family Day.
She holds a Ph.D. in ecopsychology, lives near the Blue Ridge mountains, and has two grown children. You may learn more about Gerry here.